Frequently Asked Questions
*Where can I get the water that healed Veda after her accident?
Contact Ross & Shona, on
*I can't find a copy of Veda's physical book, 'The Secret Intelligence of Water', are there any left?
Unfortunately my publisher went bankrupt. There are no more being printed, but my new book, 'The Living Language of Water 'is out and it has everything that was in my old book, and much much more.
*Have you heard of Masaru Emoto?
Yes, I have and I mention his work quite often in my podcasts.
*Have you heard of Kangen water and what do you think of it?
This video, put together by Isabel Friend, is exceptional. I wholeheartedly support this view.
*Do I have to have done Veda's beginners workshop to be able to join her webinars?
No, anyone can join the webinars.
*I haven't received the zoom link for my webinar or beginners workshop?
I send out zoom links to both my big online webinars and beginners workshops a few days prior to the event. If you haven't received the link two days prior to the event please contact me. Sometimes people accidentally write their emails incorrectly as they check out, this is one reason you may not have received the zoom link.
*I’m confused about time zones for workshops, how do I find the right time?
All my workshops (unless otherwise stated) begin at 8am New Zealand Time. If you have an iPhone I recommend you go to the clock app, and then go to the World Clock. If you type in Auckland, New Zealand, it will show you what time it is in NZ in real time, so you can accurately figure out the time difference. I always recommend this in case there are any daylight savings changes I don’t know about.
*What kind of petri dishes does Veda use? Should I get glass or plastic, and where can I get them from?
I buy 10cm diameter glass petri dishes from the Lab Warehouse in NZ
You can buy them from Amazon, and you can also do a google search for them through lab warehouses in your country. I only use glass, not plastic.
*My petri dishes have't arrived in time for the workshop, what can I do?
This happens a lot, so don't worry. You'll learn all you need to by watching my demonstration. People often use glass lids or ramekins which work ok for the workshop.
*What do I need for the beginners workshop?
A glass petri dish, I use a 8-10cm diameter dish.
A house hold freezer.
Paper towels
A phone camera.
*I'm preparing for Veda's beginners workshop. What freezer setting does she use?
Originally my freezer setting was -23 degrees, but now I'm using a different freezer set at -14 degrees celsius. Don't worry what setting
your freezer is at, I will help you find the right freezing time for your freezer on the beginners workshop.
*Are Veda's workshops recorded, and do I get a copy?
All my workshops are recorded and everyone, regardless of if they attended, receives a copy.
*What is the link to Veda’s private Facebook group for people using her technique?
It’s called The Secret Intelligence of Water CMP Lab. Here’s the link
*What are Veda's social media handles?
*I'd like to invite Veda to speak on my podcast or documentary.
I 'm fully booked with podcasts until May 2025. I'm always open to discussing new documentaries. Feel free to reach out through the contacts page.
*Does Veda do crystallography for individuals or companies?
I do, but I have a huge backlog of this work, and I can’t always do it quickly. The current wait time is 10 months.
The cost for a private individual's request is $150 USD
This includes 1 test and a written assessment with photos.
The cost for a company is $300 USD
This includes 4 before and after tests and a written report with photos.
For inquiries or requests, please reach out through the contacts page.
*Does Veda do in person speaking events?
Yes I do, depending on the country and my schedule. I am willing to travel overseas as long as my travel, speaker fee and accommodation costs are met. Feel free to email me about it through the contacts page.