Examples of influence & response
To get you familiar with the process, here are a few examples of different influences, accompanied by a 'response' photographed in the ice.

I wrote the number 4 onto a piece of paper and placed the petri dish on top of it for 30 seconds pre freezing.

The ice response to the number 4

This is the photo influence of my friend. I placed a petri dish of water on top of the photo for 30 seconds pre freezing.

Waters response to a photo of my friends face.

I printed out a photo of a telegraph pole and sat the petri dish of water on top of it for 30 seconds pre freezing.

Ice response to a photo of a telegraph pole

I took this photo of my daughter French braid, and placed the petri dish of water on top of it for 30 seconds pre freezing.

This is the ice response to a photo of a braid.

These ginko leaves were used as the influence pre freezing.

The ice response to ginko leaves.

An uncut amethyst was placed in the water for 30 seconds pre freezing.

This is the ice response to an uncut amethyst
Examples of Water's comprehension of life
Here are a variety of examples showing Water's crystallographic expression and apparent comprehension of life.
Human anatomy & hair



Sea life & insects


Man made things

Magical/Etherial creatures

Outer Space